Sorry for the typos ya,ll
Greeting's fan's Thanks for checking out my blog ok here's the 411 on what's been going on recently i had a run in with a Creep a real mean one at that who is a wanna be Author who's going around Online spreading nasty rumor's about me over and over Again thanks to the kind people's support that bused my music downloads tripled 95% thank you for that anyhow the drama is regarding Winona Ryder this asshole is obsessed with her and wants to let out all his anger out on me because her publicist said no about a book he wanted her to be in. real shitty book at that and he just simply lost it the dude is out of his mind and of course i,m not gonna allow him to use me in a book he'll get sued out of his motherfucking ass and honestly if i catch the guy in the street he's clearly getting a major ass whopping he don't know how we do it in Brooklyn LOL i found out that his name is Matthew Davidson and he hacked into my friends E-Mail account and is going around pretending to be her on yahoo instant messager under her old screen name the FBI mind you the FBI has a lot more fish to fry then to go around searching for people on the net he's clearly a loser and a jerk and i really don't have time for this crap my message to this matthew davidson dude is to back the fuck off me and find a Hobby of your own better yet find a Girlfriend/Boyfriend whatever u decided and stop bad mouthing me trying to get some online Attention you fucking scum bag white trash Asshole you and your tired story about me or Winona Ryder get a life a job and a clue ok your an e-mail online celeb stalker and i will have you put in jail for Slander and a lot more if you don't Stop. you've been warn by my lawyer the first time you can say and think all you want about me i have way to much things to do and i clearly don't have time to be online pretending to be "WINOINA RYDER" i,ve been in the Entertainment Industry for 7 years and i have a lot of entertainer friends oh and check this out he went on a soup dish site discrediting me about my music and work and posted a imdb page that wasn't mind if you really wanna check out my work go to the write imdb page you moron and do your research right and you will see who LJ Ugarte is you really don't know me from a hole in the wall just though music and poster and photos of me online i know one things for sure i truly don't go around Pretending to be someone i,m not or claiming to be friends with people i don't know i see that most people have nothing better to do then to go around studying people and to try to tear them down so Matthew fuck off being Jealous of me get's you no where because Regardless of what you say about me (IMMA DO ME ) i will aways be the same person your not hurting me at all your making your self look like an asshole and your making me more famous and your boosting my music and photo downloads even more and your giving people a lot more to talk about because with out controversy there's no Record sales lol look at Madonna and Prince oh and what's her face yea Britney Spears it works find for them hahahah (Kidding ya,ll)
- and thanks everyone for your kind feedback on my other sites and i will be keeping you posted on all the new updates of my career much love and respect to my fan's
-Love you all